5 Tips to Get Back on Track After a Vacation


I want to start this blog post by saying you should never feel guilty about enjoying vacation and deviating from your normal routine. I think it’s incredibly important to take good care of yourself, but I also think it’s equally important to enjoy time away and live in the moment. I still try to avoid certain foods while on vacation; dairy, gluten, soy, and sugar, but I also think it’s important to give yourself some freedom as well.

These are the 5 things I really like to focus on when I come back from a vacation; whether it’s a long week away or a full on two weeks enjoying myself.

1) Drink Lots of Water

This tip should go without saying, but I also feel like it’s something that a lot of people underestimate. It’s so important to drink plenty of water everyday, but especially if you’ve been traveling on an airplane, drinking alcohol, and eating less than healthy foods. Typically you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces everyday, but I suggest drinking another few cups daily post vacation. Drinking plenty of water will help to flush out toxins and keep you feeling more energized throughout the day.

2) Increase Your Intake of Green Vegetables

It’s a good rule of thumb to include greens at every meal, but it’s especially good to include after a few days (or weeks) of indulging. Leafy greens such as spinach, arugula, kale, romaine, and swiss chard will help to detox and alkalize your body and will provide essential nutrients that your body may have been lacking.

3) Increase Your Probiotics

Eating out for every meal, mixed with flying on the airplane can really put a damper on your digestive system. To make sure that you crowd out the bad bacteria and replenish your gut with good bacteria, I highly recommend increasing your probiotic intake. I like to double up on these probiotics while away and I also like to increase my fermented foods and coconut water kefir (you can find the recipe here) when I get back home. Doing this will help to get your digestion working properly again and will also help your body to absorb nutrients properly and rid yourself of toxins.

4) Sweat it Out

I try to be as active as possible while on vacation, but it’s sometimes it’s hard to get your normal gym workout in while staying with friends/family or at a hotel. When I get home, I really focus on getting in good work outs to sweat out toxins and move my body. I will even go to a hot yoga class or book an infrared sauna appointment in order to break a really good sweat.

5) Sleep

Along with drinking enough water, I think that sleep is also underestimated when it comes to your overall health and wellbeing. Depending on what type of vacation I’m on, I either get more sleep than normal or a lot less. One thing I know is that my quality of sleep is less than great since I’m not sleeping in my own bed and in my familiar surroundings. I like to prioritize sleep all the time, but especially when I’ve returned from being away from home. While were resting, our body is able to focus on detoxing, rejuvenating, and rebuilding.

These tips are simple but so, so effective. It really is so true that going back to the basics can be the most beneficial for your health and wellbeing. xo

With love,
